It is a divine order that good is rewarded with good. Thus one needs tothink that; besides Allah I whose unlimited favours are beyondrepayable; the being that has benefitted man the most is none otherthan the messenger of Allah, Muhammad r.In this day, when neither have we the ability to see, nor converse withthe prophet r, we have forgotten his favours upon us, nor can wecomprehend them. One must remember; that truth, if ignored orforgotten, still remains the truth.The prophet r was sinless, and had the guarantee of Allah’s I eternaland infinite love, yet still, not for his own further advancement but forour’s, did he spend night after night, day after day, begging Allah I forour salvation. The physical torture hurled at him by the opposition forpropagating Islam, the psychological anguish suffered by him whenseeing his beloved followers persecuted and the mental tormentundertaken by him in his unending concern for his people; all beartestimony to the debt that we owe to this selfless man.